التصنيف: مال و أعمال
يسقط الطير حيث يُنْثَرُ الحب وتغشى منازل الكرماء
[tie_index]Design & build quality[/tie_index] [padding top=”0″ bottom=”0″ right=”5%” left=”5%”] Apple Watch review: Design For a slightly more opinionated version of the video review above, here’s the male half of the Macworld team arguing (after four months with this device) about whether the Apple Watch is a great or a terrible product: The Apple Watch is…
يبدو العالم مظلما بالنسبة لمن يغطي عينيه
[tie_index]Design & build quality[/tie_index] [padding top=”0″ bottom=”0″ right=”5%” left=”5%”] Apple Watch review: Design For a slightly more opinionated version of the video review above, here’s the male half of the Macworld team arguing (after four months with this device) about whether the Apple Watch is a great or a terrible product: The Apple Watch is…
ليس للحياة قيمة إلا إذا وجدنا فيها شيئا نناضل من أجله
[tie_index]Design & build quality[/tie_index] [padding top=”0″ bottom=”0″ right=”5%” left=”5%”] Apple Watch review: Design For a slightly more opinionated version of the video review above, here’s the male half of the Macworld team arguing (after four months with this device) about whether the Apple Watch is a great or a terrible product: The Apple Watch is…
الحياة قطار سريع ما اجتازه حلم ، و ما هو مقبل عليه وهم
[tie_index]Design & build quality[/tie_index] [padding top=”0″ bottom=”0″ right=”5%” left=”5%”] Apple Watch review: Design For a slightly more opinionated version of the video review above, here’s the male half of the Macworld team arguing (after four months with this device) about whether the Apple Watch is a great or a terrible product: The Apple Watch is…
الذي لا يلمع في النهار، يلمع في الليل
[tie_index]Design & build quality[/tie_index] [padding top=”0″ bottom=”0″ right=”5%” left=”5%”] Apple Watch review: Design For a slightly more opinionated version of the video review above, here’s the male half of the Macworld team arguing (after four months with this device) about whether the Apple Watch is a great or a terrible product: The Apple Watch is…
أفضل وسيلة لتدمير النظام الرأسمالي هو إفساد قيمة المال
[tie_index]Design & build quality[/tie_index] [padding top=”0″ bottom=”0″ right=”5%” left=”5%”] Apple Watch review: Design For a slightly more opinionated version of the video review above, here’s the male half of the Macworld team arguing (after four months with this device) about whether the Apple Watch is a great or a terrible product: The Apple Watch is…
والمرء ليس بصادق في قوله حتى يؤيد قوله بفعاله
[tie_index]Design & build quality[/tie_index] [padding top=”0″ bottom=”0″ right=”5%” left=”5%”] Apple Watch review: Design For a slightly more opinionated version of the video review above, here’s the male half of the Macworld team arguing (after four months with this device) about whether the Apple Watch is a great or a terrible product: The Apple Watch is…